
Training hoomans is a ruff job, but somedoggy has to do it. The Finn Chronicles © is a unique story told by an extraordinary dog. Join Finn as he shares his weekly reports about his struggles to train and protect his rescued hoomans. With sarcastic wit, he observes the curious world around him, heroically saves his hoomans from danger, and vents about his lackluster servants. With bonus content like links to Finn’s social media and videos, you’ll get to see this vocal and opinionated dog in action. You’re sure to fall in love with Finn, his hilarious facial expressions, his tantrums, and even his dim-witted hoomans. This is the light-hearted and funny read we need in these not so light-hearted times.

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What My Fans Say


One of the Funniest Diaries You’ll Ever Read!

I first came across The Finn Chronicles as a series of Facebook posts and was immediately hooked. I don’t use Facebook for much, but reading Finn’s updates was something my whole family grew love. Gwen is a fantastic writer, and has a gift for translating Finn’s world into a hilarious soliloquy, as he reports on his daily life, rituals, food explorations, adventures and temper tantrums. You will quickly fall in love with this bold, moody, opinionated dog & his wonderful people. It’s a must read for any dog lover!

Julie G.

Entertaining Read!

You MUST purchase this book! Funny, touching and poignant. Finn’s never ending journey to train his hoomans is a delightful read. Highly recommended!

Jill S.
Must Read!

Finn’s weekly letters back to the K9 Academy are hilarious and a must read. Follow him as he does his best to train his rescue hoomans, with sometimes unexpected and less than stellar results. Every week is a new adventure and not to be missed. While reading his adventures, I have more than a few times spit out my favorite drink and rolled on the floor laughing my head off. If you pass this book up, you are missing a rollicking good read.

Pauli S.

Getting to Know My Hoomans


You’re On Your Own Lady

By |June 6th, 2020|Categories: hoomans|

Hi everyone. Finn here with my Week 3 report. I’ve implemented my next phase of mind control on these hoomans. I like to randomly bark and growl at nothing in the corners of rooms and in the dark outside. I go full stripe-up, growl, and freak out with anxiety. This makes The Squishy One anxious about ghosts, and she tries to distract me with treats and toys. #Sucka Speaking of The Squishy One, I gave her 24 hours of full Finn-favorite status. She lapped it upppp!  There was so much cuddling [...]

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